WORD BOX:propose,convince,concern,enforce,compare,excuse,conduct,preserve,contain,excite

Underline the word or words in each sentence that can be replaced with a Basic Word.Then write the four basic words.
1.Our class will put forward for consideration a plan for collecting food for needy families. I underlined consideration and the word I replaced and put instead is propose

2.The cooking club plants to study the similarities and differences of prices od fresh meat at 2 stores. I underlined study and I replaced it with the word compare.

3.Perhaps posters will persuade everyone to participate. I underlined persuade and I replaced it with convince.

4.We will put several large boxes in the lobby to hold all the food. I underlined hold and I replaced it with contain.


To find the basic word in each sentence, you need to identify the word that can be used as a more general or simpler alternative. Here's how you can determine the basic words for each sentence:

1. "Our class will put forward for consideration a plan for collecting food for needy families."
The word that can be replaced is "consideration," which can be replaced with "propose" because proposing a plan also involves putting it forward for consideration.

2. "The cooking club plants to study the similarities and differences of prices of fresh meat at 2 stores."
The word that can be replaced is "study," which can be replaced with "compare." This is because comparing involves examining and identifying similarities and differences.

3. "Perhaps posters will persuade everyone to participate."
The word that can be replaced is "persuade," which can be replaced with "convince." Convincing someone involves persuading them to change their opinion or belief.

4. "We will put several large boxes in the lobby to hold all the food."
The word that can be replaced is "hold," which can be replaced with "contain." This is because containing something means to hold or store it within a specific space.

The four basic words are: propose, compare, convince, contain.