How do I know which side is the base of a triangle? I'm trying to find surface area of a trianglular prism.

To determine which side of a triangle is the base of a triangular prism, you can consider the characteristics and properties of a triangular prism.

A triangular prism is a three-dimensional solid shape that has two identical parallel triangular bases and three rectangular faces connecting the corresponding sides of the two triangular bases. The base of a prism refers to the face on which it rests or is stabilized.

To determine the base of a triangular prism, you can follow these steps:

1. Examine the given information or visual representation of the triangular prism. Look for any indications of which direction the prism is positioned or if any sides appear to be resting on a surface.

2. Locate any markings or labels on the prism, which might indicate the orientation or purpose of certain sides. In some cases, the base might be specifically identified or labeled.

3. Observe the shape and characteristics of the faces. Remember that the base of a triangular prism is a triangular face, whereas the other faces are rectangular.

4. Consider how the prism is being used or described. If it is described as being placed on a surface or object, the corresponding triangular face in contact with the surface is most likely the base.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify which side is the base of the triangular prism, which will allow you to calculate its surface area accurately.

The side that connects all of the points is the base.