name two institutions/community organizations that are involved in supporting or giving redress to these disesters . explain how these organizations are involved in providing a safe and healthy environmental(suggestion;find out about NGO's or other organisations in your community or city)

What disasters are you considering?


global warming

I'm doing the same research and i need information on!

water pollution

To identify two institutions or community organizations involved in supporting or giving redress to disasters and promoting a safe and healthy environment in your specific community or city, you'll need to gather information about local NGOs or other organizations. Here's how you can go about finding them:

1. Research online: Start by conducting a web search using relevant keywords such as "NGO environment [your city/ community name]" or "disaster relief organizations [your city/ community name]." This will help you discover organizations that work locally to assist with disasters and environmental concerns.

2. Local government websites: Visit the websites of your city or community's local government. Look for sections on disaster management, environmental initiatives, or community programs. These sources often provide information about organizations that collaborate with the government in disaster relief efforts or environmental protection.

3. Community forums or social media groups: Join online platforms or groups specific to your community or city. Engage with members or ask relevant questions about local organizations involved in disaster relief and environmental support. This can help you obtain firsthand information from people active in your community.

4. Consult local libraries or community centers: Contact your nearest library or community center and inquire about organizations focused on disaster relief and environmental protection. They might have resources, directories, or staff members who can provide information on such organizations.

After identifying these organizations, here's how they generally contribute to providing a safe and healthy environment:

1. NGO for Environmental Protection: Environmental NGOs are typically involved in raising awareness about sustainable practices, advocating for policies to protect the environment, organizing cleanup drives, and promoting conservation efforts. They may also offer educational programs or workshops to engage the community in environmental protection. Some examples of well-known environmental NGOs are Greenpeace, Environmental Defense Fund, or World Wildlife Fund.

2. Disaster Relief Organization: Disaster relief organizations work towards supporting communities affected by natural or man-made disasters. They focus on providing immediate relief, rehabilitation, and long-term support to affected populations. These organizations often collaborate with government agencies, local communities, and other stakeholders to provide emergency supplies, medical aid, shelter, and restoration assistance. Examples include the Red Cross, Direct Relief, or Mercy Corps.

It's important to note that the specific organizations involved in providing redress to disasters and promoting a safe and healthy environment may vary depending on your community or city. Therefore, conducting thorough research using the methods mentioned above will help you identify the most relevant institutions or organizations in your local area.