a random sample of 20 prices for summer sleeping bags was taken with a sample mean of $83.75 and a sample standard deviation of $29.97

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To calculate the sample mean and sample standard deviation, you need the following information:

1. The prices of the 20 summer sleeping bags.
2. The formula for calculating the sample mean and sample standard deviation.

Assuming you have the prices of the 20 summer sleeping bags, you can calculate the sample mean and sample standard deviation using the following steps:

Step 1: Calculate the Sample Mean
- Add up all the individual prices.
- Divide the sum by the total number of prices in the sample (20 in this case).
- The resulting value is the sample mean.

Step 2: Calculate the Sample Standard Deviation
- For each price in the sample, subtract the sample mean from the individual price.
- Square each of these differences.
- Add up all the squared differences.
- Divide the sum by the number of prices minus 1 (in this case, 20 - 1 = 19) to calculate the variance.
- Take the square root of the variance to calculate the sample standard deviation.

Please note that without the actual prices of the 20 summer sleeping bags, I cannot provide you with the exact value of the sample mean and sample standard deviation in this specific case. However, if you provide me with the prices, I can demonstrate how to calculate them using the steps above.