it follows the difference of cubes pattern

A^3 - B^3 = (A-B)(A^2 + AB + b^2)

so (A-3)(.......)

tell me what you got.

We have a difference of cubes.

Did you apply the formula given by Reiny?

If you did, there should be no more doubts.

A^3 - 27 = difference of cubes.

First, write 27 as an exponent.

What number when multiplied by itself 3 times will yield 27?

How about 3?

So, 3 x 3 x 3 = 27, right? This can be written 3^3.

We now have this:

A^3 - 3^3

Next, we apply the rule given to you by Reiny.

A^3 - B^3 = (A-B)(A^2 + AB + b^2)

Here, A = A and B = 3.

We plug and chug.

A^3 - 3^3 = (A - 3)(A^2 + 3A + 3^2)

A^3 - 3^3 = (A - 3)(A^2 + 3A + 9)


To factor the expression a^3 - 27, we need to recognize that it is in the form of a difference of cubes, which can be factored using a specific formula:

a^3 - b^3 = (a - b)(a^2 + ab + b^2)

In this case, a^3 - 27 can be rewritten as:

a^3 - 3^3

Comparing this with the formula, we can see that a is equal to 'a' and b is equal to 3.

Now, we can plug the values of 'a' and 'b' into the formula:

(a - b)(a^2 + ab + b^2)

Substituting the values, we get:

(a - 3)(a^2 + 3a + 9)

Therefore, the factored form of a^3 - 27 is (a - 3)(a^2 + 3a + 9).

Remember, recognizing patterns and formulas is crucial when factoring polynomials. In this case, understanding the difference of cubes formula allowed us to identify the factors and simplify the expression.