Identify one environmental or human factor that causes ill health,accidents,crises,and disasters within your community or any other community within South Africa.


Earth quake

its because of ths pollution dat happening dat causes ill health

soil erosion


Teenage pregnancy


Climate change

air pollution

One environmental factor that can cause ill health, accidents, crises, and disasters in a community in South Africa is drought. Drought occurs when there is an extended period of severe water shortage, resulting in limited water supply for agriculture, domestic use, and industry.

To identify the impact of drought on health and community well-being, you can follow these steps:

1. Research local news sources: Stay updated with current affairs by accessing local newspapers, news websites, or news applications. Look for reports or articles about drought-related incidents, such as health issues and accidents, in your community or any other community in South Africa.

2. Monitor health statistics: Check health-related reports, studies, or surveys conducted by local health departments, NGOs, or research institutions. Look for indicators such as waterborne diseases, malnutrition, dehydration, or mental health issues that could be attributed to drought.

3. Engage with local community members: Talk to people living in areas affected by drought and listen to their personal experiences. Attend community meetings, engage in discussions on relevant online platforms, or reach out to relevant organizations working on drought-related issues. This firsthand information can help understand the challenges faced by the community and the impact on health and overall well-being.

4. Review government reports and policies: Explore government websites or relevant departments that focus on environmental issues, disaster management, or public health. Look for official reports, policies, or strategies related to drought management and mitigation. These can provide insights into the government's understanding of the problems and their efforts in addressing them.

By following these steps, you can identify the specific health-related consequences, accidents, crises, and disasters caused by drought in your community or any other community within South Africa. This knowledge can help in raising awareness, developing effective mitigation strategies, and advocating for the better management of drought-related risks.