I have a few questions if someone could please help with them:

Which of the following is true:
A.Relative dating tells us how long ago something existed
B.Disconformities are less common but usually far more conspicuous because the strata on either side are essentially
C.Estimates indicate that the North American continent is being lowered at a rate of about 10 cm per 1000 yrs
D.Most volcanoes are fed by conduits or pipes

Which of the following statement is False:
A.Cinder cones are built from ejected lava fragments and are usually less than 300 meters high
B.Calderas are large collapsed depressions having more or less circular form
C.Most volcanoes are fed magma through short conduits called pipes that connect a magma chamber to the surface
D. Sills are tabular discordant bodies that are produced when magma is injected into fractures

To determine which statement is true among the given options, we can analyze each statement individually:

A. Relative dating tells us how long ago something existed.
This statement is false. Relative dating is a method used to determine the age of a rock or fossil relative to other rocks or fossils around it. It provides information about the relative order of events or the relative age of objects, but it does not give a specific timeframe or determine how long ago something existed.

B. Disconformities are less common but usually far more conspicuous because the strata on either side are essentially.
This statement is unclear and incomplete. It seems to be cut off mid-sentence, making it difficult to determine whether it is true or false. However, disconformities are geological unconformities where there is a gap in the rock record between parallel layers of sedimentary rock. They can be visible due to differences in rock types or erosion patterns.

C. Estimates indicate that the North American continent is being lowered at a rate of about 10 cm per 1000 years.
This statement is true. The North American continent experiences tectonic forces that can lead to vertical movements, either uplift or subsidence. The given estimate suggests that the continent is subsiding at a rate of 10 cm per 1000 years.

D. Most volcanoes are fed by conduits or pipes.
This statement is true. Volcanoes are typically connected to a magma chamber deep beneath the surface through conduits or pipes. These conduits serve as channels for magma ascent and eruption.

Regarding the false statement, we can analyze the options provided:

A. Cinder cones are built from ejected lava fragments and are usually less than 300 meters high.
This statement is true. Cinder cones are small volcanoes that form from the accumulation of volcanic cinders, ash, and other volcanic materials ejected during explosive eruptions. They are usually relatively low in height, commonly less than 300 meters.

B. Calderas are large collapsed depressions having more or less circular form.
This statement is true. Calderas are large volcanic depressions that can form when a volcano undergoes a massive eruption, causing the collapse of the underlying magma chamber. They often have a circular or roughly circular shape.

C. Most volcanoes are fed magma through short conduits called pipes that connect a magma chamber to the surface.
This statement is true. As mentioned earlier, most volcanoes are connected to a subsurface magma chamber through conduits or pipes, allowing magma to reach the surface during eruptions.

D. Sills are tabular discordant bodies that are produced when magma is injected into fractures.
This statement is false. Sills are tabular concordant bodies of intrusive igneous rock that are formed when magma is injected between preexisting layers of rock parallel to the bedding plane. They do not form within fractures.