what happens to the monry interrest rates and the economy if the federal reserves is not the seller of government bonds? I know the interest rates go down but not sure what else?

If the Federal Reserve is not the seller of government bonds, it can have several implications for interest rates and the economy. Let's discuss them:

1. Interest Rates: Typically, when the Federal Reserve sells government bonds, it reduces the money supply in the economy. This reduction in the money supply increases competition for the remaining funds, leading to higher interest rates. However, if the Federal Reserve is not selling government bonds, it means there is no reduction in the money supply. As a result, interest rates may not rise as much or may even decrease.

2. Economy: The impact on the broader economy can be multi-faceted. Here are a few possible scenarios:

a. Increased Borrowing: When interest rates decrease, it becomes more attractive for businesses and individuals to borrow and invest. Lower borrowing costs can stimulate economic activity, leading to increased investment, consumption, and potential economic growth.

b. Inflation Risk: Not selling government bonds means there is less control over the money supply. If the economy is already at risk of inflation, this lack of control could further exacerbate inflationary pressures. This is because a larger money supply tends to increase demand and may lead to rising prices.

c. Market Behavior: Without the Federal Reserve as a consistent buyer of government bonds, investors may behave differently. Government bonds are often considered safe assets, and their sale by the Federal Reserve provides a market for them. If this market opportunity diminishes, investors may seek other safe assets, potentially affecting financial market dynamics.

It's important to note that the impact of the Federal Reserve not selling government bonds is not as straightforward as just lower interest rates. It involves an interplay of other economic factors and can vary depending on the specific context and configuration of the economy.