According to molecular view, kinetic energy, what happens when 2 tablespoons each of water, methylated spirit and petrol are put in an open container separately in relation to time and the rate of vaporisation?

According to the molecular view of kinetic energy, molecules are in constant motion. This motion creates kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. When a substance is heated, the molecules gain more kinetic energy, causing them to move faster and have a higher probability of escaping from the liquid phase and entering the gas phase.

When two tablespoons each of water, methylated spirit, and petrol are put in separate open containers, the rate of vaporization will vary for each substance. Here's an explanation of what happens to each substance over time:

1. Water: Water molecules have strong intermolecular forces, meaning they are held together more tightly than the other two substances. As a result, water evaporates at a slower rate compared to methylated spirit and petrol. It will take more time for the water to completely evaporate. The rate of vaporization will be relatively slower.

2. Methylated Spirit: Methylated spirit contains a mix of ethanol and other compounds. The ethanol molecules in methylated spirit have weaker intermolecular forces compared to water, allowing them to evaporate more readily. The rate of vaporization of methylated spirit will be faster than that of water but slower than petrol.

3. Petrol: Petrol consists mainly of hydrocarbon molecules, which have weak intermolecular forces. This makes petrol highly volatile, meaning it evaporates quickly even at lower temperatures. The rate of vaporization of petrol will be the fastest among the three substances.

In summary, when put in separate open containers, water will have the slowest rate of vaporization, followed by methylated spirit, and petrol will have the fastest rate of vaporization.