Spanish word for "happy valentines day"...thanks...

Feliz día de San Valentín

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Valentine’s day is also “el Día de Amistad”.

The Spanish translation for "Happy Valentine's Day" is "Feliz Día de San Valentín." To find translations for words or phrases, you can use a variety of methods. Here are a few options:

1. Online Translation Websites: Websites like Google Translate, WordReference, or Reverso provide translations for various languages. You can type in the phrase and select the language you want it translated to.

2. Language Learning Apps: Language learning apps such as Duolingo or Babbel offer translation features that allow you to type in a phrase and get the translation in your desired language.

3. Bilingual Dictionaries: Physical or online bilingual dictionaries are useful resources for finding translations. They provide translations along with additional information on word usage and context.

Remember to double-check translations from multiple sources to ensure accuracy, as translations can vary depending on the context and regional differences.