What is the symbol for the element whose electron configuration ends with 4p6?


The electron configuration ending with 4p6 corresponds to the noble gas configuration of argon (Ar), which has an atomic number of 18. Therefore, the symbol for the element with this electron configuration is Ar.

To find the symbol for the element with an electron configuration ending in 4p6, we need to refer to the periodic table. The electron configuration notation represents the arrangement of electrons in the energy levels or shells of an atom.

In this case, the electron configuration ending with 4p6 suggests that all the energy levels before the 4th level are completely filled. Since the p sublevel can hold a maximum of 6 electrons, the 4p6 notation means that there are 6 electrons in the 4th energy level, in the p orbital specifically.

To determine the symbol, we look for the element in the periodic table that has six electrons in its outermost p orbital. Referring to the periodic table, we find that the sixth element in the p-block of the periodic table is oxygen (O), which has the electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p4.

Thus, the symbol for the element with the electron configuration 4p6 is oxygen (O).