Could you check these phrasal verbs, please? Thank you very much, Writeacher.

1) I think they should do away with blue lines and just let people park where they want to.
2) You should have your house done up before you sell it.
He dropped in to see me on his way back from work.
3) She dropped out of the university after three months.
We’ll have to figure out a way to solve the problem.
4) They are already gearing up for the elections.
5) It took us time to grow into the job.
Now I’ll hand over to the Glasgow studio.
6) He handed his winnings over to her.
Try to hang on until the ambulance arrives.
They held up a bank. Rapinaro

All are fine except the second sentence in 5. There needs to be a direct object after "over" -- what will be handed over to the Glasgow studio?