choose the best words

A ver, ( primer,primero), me diez cosas o mas antes de llegar a la escuella en la manana.
answer: primero

(seguanda, segundo ) , me levanto
answer :seguando

la ( tercera, tercer)accion es banarme.

( septimo, septima) , me lavo los dientes.
answer :septimo

Pongo las casas en la mochila ( octavo,octava), y ( novena,noveno),me despido de mi familia.
answer: octava , noveno

La ( decimo, decima) cosa que hago es salir para esperar el autobus.

answer :decima

There are correct, but I recommend that you don't use it after third. You can use words like 'luego, después, entó say what you will do after. If your assignments tells you to do it that way, you can do it, but when you write a paper on your basic chore after you wake up, use the above words.

A ver, ( primer,primero), me diez cosas o mas antes de llegar a la escuella en la manana. ???(This sentense doesn't make sense

answer: primero
I would say: A ver,primero hago diez cosas antes de llegar a la escuela.

(seguanda, segundo ) , me levanto
answer :seguando
Segundo, me levanto

la ( tercera, tercer)accion es banarme.

( septimo, septima) , me lavo los dientes.
answer :septimo

Pongo las casas en la mochila ( octavo,octava), y ( novena,noveno),me despido de mi familia.
answer: octava , noveno

La ( decimo, decima) cosa que hago es salir para esperar el autobus.

answer :decima

I agree with Nem You should use other words instead on primero,segundo,tercero,cuarto,quinto,...In real life we don't use those words we would say Primero hago esto despues esto y luego esto

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To find the correct words in each sentence, we need to understand the concept of ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers are words used to indicate the position or order of something in a series.

Let's analyze each sentence to determine the correct ordinal number:

1. "A ver, (primer, primero), me diez cosas o mas antes de llegar a la escuela en la mañana."

To choose between "primer" and "primero," we need to consider the gender and number of the noun it modifies. In this case, it modifies the masculine singular noun "cosas." Following the matching rule, we need to use the masculine singular form "primer."

2. "(Segunda, segundo), me levanto."

Since we are referring to the second action, we need to use the ordinal number "segunda" (feminine singular form) or "segundo" (masculine singular form). Without additional context, we are unsure of the gender of the person performing the action. Therefore, both "segunda" or "segundo" can be considered correct answers.

3. "La (tercera, tercer) acción es bañarme."

In this sentence, we are referring to the feminine singular noun "acción." Following the matching rule, we need to use the feminine singular form "tercera."

4. "(Séptimo, séptima), me lavo los dientes."

Since we are referring to the seventh action, we need to use the ordinal number "séptimo" (masculine singular form) or "séptima" (feminine singular form). Without further context, both "séptimo" or "séptima" can be considered correct answers.

5. "Pongo las casas en la mochila (octavo, octava), y (novena, noveno), me despido de mi familia."

In this sentence, the first action refers to a masculine singular noun "casas," so we use "octavo." The second action refers to a feminine singular noun "despido," so we use "novena." Therefore, the correct answers are "octava" and "noveno."

6. "La (décimo, décima) cosa que hago es salir para esperar el autobús."

In this sentence, we are referring to the feminine singular noun "cosa." Following the matching rule, we need to use the feminine singular form "décima."

Therefore, the correct words in each sentence are:
1. primero
2. segunda/segundo
3. tercera
4. séptimo/séptima
5. octava, noveno
6. décima