In printing an article of 30,000 words, aprinter decided to use two sized of type. Using the larger type, a printed page contains 1,200 words. Using the smaller type, a page contains 1,500 words. The article is allotted 22 pages in a magazine. How many pages must be in the smaller type?

Actually S=12 L=10

To determine the number of pages that must be in the smaller type, we need to find the number of pages that can be printed using the larger type and then subtract that from the total number of allotted pages.

First, let's find the number of words that can be printed using the larger type:
Page capacity with larger type = 1,200 words

Number of pages using larger type = Total words in the article / Page capacity with larger type
= 30,000 words / 1,200 words

Next, let's find the number of words that can be printed using the smaller type:
Page capacity with smaller type = 1,500 words

Number of words using smaller type = Total words in the article - (Number of pages using larger type * Page capacity with larger type)
= 30,000 words - (Number of pages using larger type * 1,200 words)

Now, let's find the number of pages that can be printed using the smaller type:
Number of pages using smaller type = Number of words using smaller type / Page capacity with smaller type
= (30,000 words - (Number of pages using larger type * 1,200 words)) / 1,500 words

Finally, let's find the number of pages that must be in the smaller type:
Number of pages in the smaller type = Total allotted pages - Number of pages using larger type

By substituting the values in the equations, you can find the answer.