What did the confederate soldiers call the Union soldiers?


What did the union soldiers call the confederate soldiers?

Name the Confederate Iron Clad ship?

How did Stonewall Jackson get shot?
Was shot during the Battle of Chancellorsville


Some accounts say that Jackson was shot accidentally by a Confederate picket.



Jackson WAS shot by Confederate picket, but later they spun it to be patriotic for the CSA

To find the answers to these questions, you can use various sources like history books, websites, or encyclopedia articles. Let me explain the process for finding each answer:

1. What did the Confederate soldiers call the Union soldiers?
The Confederate soldiers commonly referred to the Union soldiers as "Yankees." You can confirm this by checking historical accounts, diaries, or letters written by Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War.

2. What did the Union soldiers call the Confederate soldiers?
The Union soldiers commonly referred to the Confederate soldiers as "Rebels." Again, you can verify this by checking historical records from that time, such as soldiers' letters, diaries, or memoirs.

3. Name the Confederate Ironclad ship.
The Confederate Ironclad ship was named the CSS Virginia, not the Merrimack. Initially, the Merrimack was a Union ship that was captured by the Confederates during the Civil War and transformed into the CSS Virginia. It played a significant role in the Battle of Hampton Roads.

4. How did Stonewall Jackson get shot?
Stonewall Jackson, a Confederate General, was shot accidentally by his own troops during the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863. He was mistakenly identified as the enemy and shot by Confederate soldiers in the darkness. Jackson later died due to complications from his wounds.

Remember, always verify information from credible sources to ensure accuracy when answering historical questions.