Who was the leader of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis?

Who was the President elected serving during the Civil War?
Abe Lincoln?

The Confederate capital city was located 90 miles from the Union capital. What were they?
Richmond,Virginia and Washington D.C.?

What years were the Civil War fought?

all correct.

What side did Maryland fight for?


What did the south call the Battle of Antietam?
Battle of Sharpsburg?

Who won Gettysburg?



Yes, your answers are correct. Jefferson Davis was the leader of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln was the President elected and serving during the same period.

The Confederate capital city was Richmond, Virginia, which is located about 90 miles south of the Union capital, Washington D.C.

The Civil War was fought between the years 1861 and 1865.