input: q 14 15 24 41 43 46 58

output: a 50 49 40 23 21 18 6

What is the rule:

To figure out the rule that determines the output numbers based on the input numbers, we can look for patterns or calculations that are consistent across all the pairs of input and output numbers.

Looking at the first pair of input and output:
Input: 14
Output: 50

We can see that the output number is obtained by subtracting the input number from 64:
50 = 64 - 14

If we continue this calculation for the rest of the pairs, we can confirm if this rule holds true.

Input: 15
Output: 49
49 = 64 - 15

Input: 24
Output: 40
40 = 64 - 24

Input: 41
Output: 23
23 = 64 - 41

Input: 43
Output: 21
21 = 64 - 43

Input: 46
Output: 18
18 = 64 - 46

Input: 58
Output: 6
6 = 64 - 58

Therefore, the rule that determines the output numbers is subtracting the input number from 64.