I need to explain and give examples of how "if america stopped getting involved in affairs of the world the result would NOT be chaos". ANYTHING YOU KNOW AT ALL PLEASE I NEED IT!

example being events of the world that they didn't plau a major role inm things the world could've done without help from america (all has to of taken place during or after the war of vietnam) HELP PLEASE

they should stop talking nonense about other countries ... doe's that help

Certainly! Explaining and providing examples of how the result would not be chaos if America stopped getting involved in world affairs requires considering events where America did not play a major role, especially during or after the Vietnam War. Here are a few examples:

1. The collapse of the Soviet Union: The Soviet Union's dissolution in 1991 can be attributed more to internal factors and pressures within the country rather than American involvement. Although the United States was engaged in the Cold War against the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union's eventual collapse was primarily due to economic issues, political reforms, and nationalistic aspirations in its member states.

2. The Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland: The peace agreement reached in 1998 between the British and Irish governments, known as the Good Friday Agreement, brought an end to the decades-long conflict in Northern Ireland. While the United States played some role in facilitating negotiations, it was predominantly facilitated by British and Irish politicians and parties themselves, along with the involvement of other international actors.

3. The negotiation of the Paris Climate Agreement: The Paris Climate Agreement, aimed at combatting climate change, was adopted in 2015 and signed by 195 countries. While the United States initially played a significant role in the negotiations, the decision to withdraw from the agreement in 2017 did not lead to chaos. Instead, other countries continued to make progress in implementing the accord, demonstrating that collective international efforts can move forward without American involvement.

4. The peaceful transition in South Africa: The apartheid regime in South Africa formally ended in 1994, leading to the first democratic elections in the country. While the international community, including the United States, played a role in pressuring the South African government toward change, the peaceful transition primarily resulted from negotiations and collaboration among South African political leaders, including Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk.

By highlighting these examples, it becomes evident that there have been significant events where the world functioned and progressed without major American involvement. It is important to note that this is not to say that American involvement is always negative or unnecessary, but rather to emphasize the ability of different nations and international actors to address challenges and achieve progress independently or through multilateral efforts.