When both parents believe that men are capable of nurturing infants

a. mothers devote time to caregiving
b. fathers devote less time to caregiving
c. fathers devote more time to caregiving
d. the marital relationship tends to suffer, particulary when me spend little time in the caregiver role

Baby eniko grasps her mother's hair, gazes into her eyes, and smiles. These actions bring eniko close contact w/her mother, which comforst her. according to bowlby's theory of attachment, eniko is the ____ phase.
a. reciprocal relationship
b. clear-cut
c. attachment-in-the-making
d. preattachment

______is considered a powerful tool in self-development because it permits children to represent and express the self more clearly.
a. language
b. movement
c. a large social network
d. recursive thought

Dr. thorne is interested in learning how children come to understqnd their malfaceted world. in her research, she asks like, "when do infants discover that they're separqate beings, distinct from other people and objects? Dr. thorne is stuyding

a. social cognition
b. inner self
c. self-concept
d. social comparisons

dr. bouvier observes that bees sacrfice their lives to protect the hive dog cowers in the corner after wetting the carpet. dr. bouvier concludes that many morally relevant behaviors have evolutionary roots, which is consistent with ____ theories of human social behavior

a. piaget's
b. social learning
c. biological
d. kohlbergs

In kohlber's theory, at the ____ level, moral understanding is based on rewards, punishments, and the power of authority figures

a. principled
b. preconventional
c. conventional
d. postconventional

Parents of impulsive children can foster conscience development by building a warm, affectionate relationship that promotes
A.frequent power asser
B.secure attachment
C.ego development
D.fear and guilt

A parent who uses imperatives and specific suggestions in everyday life is most likely the parent of a?
D. son and daughter

both piaget and kohlberg used a/an ______ procedure to study moral development
A.clinical relationship
B. clear-cut
D. ecological

Mischel's research shows that ____ is especially important is teaching children to delay gratification and resist temptation
A.the belief-desire theory of mind
B.diverting attention
C.perspective taking

Dean associates certain activies, roles, and traits as being typical for either males or females. His associations conform to cultural stereotypes and encompass many gender-linked responses. This is an example of gender

My answer
1c 2d 3b 4a 5d 6b 7b 8d 9c 10a 11b


et al

You are studying these theorists' work, but I don't believe anyone here has read their writings. I agree with you on the first one, but have no clue about the rest because I don't know how these writers have used these terms.

PS - It also helps if you number the questions and then indicate what you think each answer is by using (*) or (X) next to each of your choices. Scrolling up and down is very hard on old eyes!

Oh okay sorry I just found this side and it is the first time using it but thanks for your help

It's not a bad idea to try. Just remember that what you're studying is highly specific, and not many of us who are mainly into math, science, English, etc., will be familiar with such specifics.


I understand...This lesson is just kicking my butt

3 is A

5 is C
9 is A
10 is B
11 is C

Those are right because I did this test already. :) The ones I didn't mention already have the right answer.

1. When both parents believe that men are capable of nurturing infants, the answer is c) fathers devote more time to caregiving. This indicates that both parents share the belief that caregiving is not limited to mothers and fathers also take an active role in nurturing their infants.

To arrive at this answer conceptually, it is important to understand the question and the context. Considering that both parents believe that men are capable of nurturing infants, it implies a shared understanding that caregiving responsibilities can be equally distributed between mothers and fathers. Therefore, it can be inferred that fathers will devote more time to caregiving, as they actively participate in nurturing their infants alongside the mothers.

2. According to Bowlby's theory of attachment, if a baby like Eniko grasps her mother's hair, gazes into her eyes, and smiles, it indicates that the baby is in the b) clear-cut phase of attachment. This phase typically starts around 6-8 months and is characterized by active and intense attachment to the primary caregiver, in this case, the mother.

To arrive at this answer, it is essential to understand Bowlby's theory of attachment. According to this theory, infants go through different phases of attachment, starting with the preattachment phase, then the attachment-in-the-making phase, and finally the clear-cut phase. In the clear-cut phase, infants actively seek proximity to their primary caregiver, demonstrate separation anxiety, and develop a clear preference for that caregiver.

3. Language is considered a powerful tool in self-development because it permits children to represent and express the self more clearly. Therefore, the correct answer is a) language. Through language, children can communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which contributes to their self-development and understanding of themselves.

4. When Dr. Thorne asks questions like "when do infants discover that they're separate beings, distinct from other people and objects?" she is studying c) self-concept. Self-concept refers to an individual's perception and understanding of themselves as separate and unique entities.

5. Dr. Bouvier's observation that many morally relevant behaviors have evolutionary roots is consistent with c) biological theories of human social behavior. Biological theories suggest that certain behaviors, including moral behaviors, have evolutionary origins and are influenced by genetic factors.

6. In Kohlberg's theory, at the preconventional level, moral understanding is based on rewards, punishments, and the power of authority figures. Therefore, the correct answer is b) preconventional.

7. Parents of impulsive children can foster conscience development by building a warm, affectionate relationship that promotes b) secure attachment. Secure attachment helps children develop a sense of trust, empathy, and self-regulation, which are vital components of conscience development.

8. A parent who uses imperatives and specific suggestions in everyday life is most likely the parent of a c) daughter. However, it is important to note that parenting styles can vary across individuals, and this answer assumes a general trend without considering individual differences.

9. Both Piaget and Kohlberg used a c) cross-sectional procedure to study moral development. The cross-sectional procedure involves examining and comparing different age groups at the same time, allowing researchers to observe and analyze changes or differences in moral development across various ages.

10. Mischel's research shows that diverting attention is especially important in teaching children to delay gratification and resist temptation. Therefore, the correct answer is b) diverting attention. By redirecting the child's focus away from tempting stimuli, they can better manage impulse control and delay immediate gratification for greater long-term rewards.

11. Dean's associations conforming to cultural stereotypes and encompassing many gender-linked responses is an example of gender c) typing. Gender typing refers to the process through which individuals acquire and internalize the characteristics, behaviors, and roles that are considered typical for their gender, based on societal norms and expectations.