A number cube is rolled 420 times and the result recorded as follows: there were 70 ones, 75 twos, 64 threes, 73 fours, 72 fives, and 66 sixes. What is the experimental probability of not rolling a five?

1 - 72/420 = ?

To find the experimental probability of not rolling a five, you need to determine the number of times the number cube did not land on five and divide it by the total number of rolls.

In this case, the number of times the number cube did not land on five is the sum of the occurrences of all the other numbers: ones, twos, threes, fours, and sixes.

So, the number of times the number cube did not land on five is: (70 ones) + (75 twos) + (64 threes) + (73 fours) + (66 sixes) = 348.

The total number of rolls is given as 420.

Now, to calculate the experimental probability of not rolling a five, divide the number of times the number cube did not land on five by the total number of rolls:

Experimental probability = (Number of times not rolling a five) / (Total number of rolls)
Experimental probability = 348 / 420
Experimental probability ≈ 0.8286

Therefore, the experimental probability of not rolling a five is approximately 0.8286, or 82.86%.