I have been given a plot graph of the # of tornados in the u.s between 2001 and 2011. The # of tornados side starts at 0 then 200,400,600,800,1000 and so forth up to 2,000. Now here is the problem: Between which two consecutive years on the graph did the number of tornadoes increase the most?

Since we don't have your graph, we can't help you.


To determine between which two consecutive years on the graph the number of tornadoes increased the most, you will need to analyze the data provided.

1. Start by examining the plot graph of the number of tornadoes in the U.S. between 2001 and 2011. Look for any noticeable patterns or trends in the graph.

2. Identify the points on the graph corresponding to the number of tornadoes in each year. Locate the years along the x-axis and the number of tornadoes on the y-axis.

3. Focus on the years that are consecutive on the graph, meaning they are next to each other without any gaps.

4. Calculate the difference in the number of tornadoes between each pair of consecutive years. To do this, subtract the number of tornadoes in the earlier year from the number of tornadoes in the later year. Repeat this calculation for all consecutive pairs of years on the graph.

5. Compare the differences calculated in the previous step. Look for the pair of consecutive years with the largest difference. This indicates the years between which the number of tornadoes increased the most.

6. Once you have identified the two consecutive years, refer back to the x-axis to determine the specific years on the graph.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine between which two consecutive years on the graph the number of tornadoes increased the most.