Avery has a three week vacation. He plans on driving a total of 4,898 miles. About how many miles should he average per day? As it turned out he spent 5 hours a day driving and drove a total of 5,565 miles. What was his average speed for the hours he drove?

If he plans to drive every day >> 4898/21 = 233.24 miles per day.

5 * 21 = 105 hours

5,565 / 105 = 53 mph

My butt farts

He drove 66666666 miles....🙂🙂🙂🙂

To calculate the average miles Avery should drive per day during his three week vacation, we can divide the total number of miles he plans to drive by the number of days in his vacation.

Since Avery has a three-week vacation, which is equal to 21 days (3 weeks x 7 days/week), we can calculate the average miles per day by dividing the total miles planned by 21:

4,898 miles / 21 days ≈ 233.24 miles per day

So, Avery should aim to drive approximately 233.24 miles per day based on his original plan.

Now, to calculate Avery's average speed for the hours he drove, we need to divide the total miles he drove by the total hours spent driving:

Average Speed = Total Miles / Total Hours

According to the information provided, Avery drove a total of 5,565 miles in 5 hours.

Average Speed = 5,565 miles / 5 hours ≈ 1,113 mph

Therefore, Avery's average speed for the hours he drove was approximately 1,113 miles per hour.