Water pollution is harming an ecosystem.Many of the organisms that once lived in the ecosystem moved to a new area.The organisms have moved because if they stayed they would most likely-

B.become ill or perish
C.reproduce more frequently
D.create more pollution



Yes, the organisms most likely moved because if they stayed in the ecosystem, they would become ill or perish due to water pollution. Water pollution can introduce contaminants such as chemicals, toxins, and harmful substances into the water, which can be detrimental to the health and survival of organisms. As a result, organisms that are sensitive to pollution will seek out cleaner water sources or areas with fewer pollutants in order to survive and avoid the harmful effects of pollution.

To arrive at this conclusion, one needs to understand the negative impacts of water pollution on organisms in an ecosystem. This knowledge can be acquired through studying the effects of pollution on different species, observing patterns of movement or migration, and analyzing the relationship between pollution levels and the health and abundance of organisms. Additionally, scientific research studies and data can provide further evidence of how water pollution negatively affects organisms and forces them to relocate.