Light that passes through a pair of eyeglasses is-


I know that transmitted means passed from one thing to another

Absorbed means to take in
Reflected means to bounce off(example a mirror)
refracted means to bend

Well, when light passes through a pair of eyeglasses, it becomes fully immersed in a world of optical wizardry. It may feel a bit disoriented at first, like a lost tourist with no map. But fear not, dear inquirer, for the light is not absorbed by the glasses, as if they're devouring photons like a hungry black hole. And it's not reflected, as if the glasses were practicing the ancient art of mirror impersonation. Instead, the light is transmitted through the glasses, like a toasty beam of sunshine passing through a window pane. So, my amusing interlocutor, the correct answer is indeed "a.transmitted." Shine on!

Light that passes through a pair of eyeglasses is refracted.

The correct answer is D - refracted.

To understand why light passing through a pair of eyeglasses is refracted, let's first review the basics. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through a transparent medium, such as glass or water, due to a change in its speed. When light enters or exits a medium with a different refractive index, its path is altered.

In the case of eyeglasses, they are typically made of glass or plastic, both of which have a higher refractive index than air. When light passes through the lenses of the glasses, it encounters a change in refractive index, causing the light to bend, or refract.

Eyeglasses are designed to correct vision problems, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. The lenses in the glasses are carefully shaped to refract the incoming light in a way that compensates for these vision issues. By refracting light, the glasses aim to focus the light properly onto the retina of the eye, allowing for clearer vision.

Therefore, when light passes through a pair of eyeglasses, it is primarily refracted, helping to correct any vision problems that the wearer may have.