Solve the inequality for each solution.

-Arnelle's checking account balance is -$49.00. How much money must she deposit to bring her account to a possitive balance?

PlZZZ Help me! =(

She must deposit $49.01 plus whatever the bank charges for writing a hot check plus any interest the bank charges for the time they covered the check.

To solve this inequality, we need to find the amount of money Arnelle must deposit to bring her account to a positive balance.

Let's call the amount she needs to deposit "x".

The inequality to represent the situation would be:

-$49.00 + x > 0

To solve for x, we need to isolate it on one side of the inequality.

First, let's add $49.00 to both sides of the inequality:

-$49.00 + $49.00 + x > $49.00

This simplifies to:

x > $49.00

Therefore, Arnelle must deposit $49.00 or more to bring her account to a positive balance.