If the chemist mistakenly makes 275 mL of

solution instead of the 200 mL, what molar concentration of sodium nitrate will the chemist have actually prepared?
Answer in units of M

To calculate the molar concentration of sodium nitrate, we need to know the number of moles of sodium nitrate and the volume of the solution.

Volume of solution (V) = 275 mL
Desired volume of solution (V_desired) = 200 mL

To find the molar concentration, we can use the formula:

Molar concentration (M) = moles of solute (n) / volume of solution (V)

However, we don't have the moles of sodium nitrate. We can calculate the moles using the following formula:

moles of solute (n) = Molar concentration (M) * volume of solution (V)

Since we know V_desired = 200 mL, we can calculate the moles of sodium nitrate in the desired solution using the above formula:

moles of solute (n_desired) = M * V_desired

Now, let's substitute the known values:

n_desired = M * 200 mL

Since the desired volume is 200 mL and we mistakenly made 275 mL, we can assume that the moles of sodium nitrate remain the same, only the volume changes.

n_desired = M * 200 mL = n_actual * 275 mL

We can rearrange this equation to solve for the actual molar concentration (M_actual):

M_actual = (n_desired * 275 mL) / (n_actual * 200 mL)

Since n_desired/n_actual = 1, we can simplify the equation:

M_actual = (275 mL) / (200 mL)

M_actual = 1.375 M

Therefore, the chemist will have actually prepared a sodium nitrate solution with a molar concentration of 1.375 M.

To find the molar concentration of the sodium nitrate solution, we need to know the amount of sodium nitrate in moles and the volume of the solution in liters.

First, let's find the moles of sodium nitrate in the solution that was actually prepared (275 mL).

To do this, we can use the formula:

moles = volume (in liters) x molarity

volume = 275 mL

We need to convert the volume from mL to liters. Since 1 L = 1000 mL, we can use the conversion factor:

275 mL x (1 L / 1000 mL) = 0.275 L

Now we can calculate the molar concentration (M) using the formula:

Molarity (M) = moles / volume (in liters)

We also need to know the moles. The molar concentration is not given in the question, so we need additional information.

If you want to find the molar concentration of a prepared sodium nitrate solution, you would need to know the mass of sodium nitrate used to make the solution and the molar mass of sodium nitrate.

With that information, you can find the moles using the formula:

moles = mass (in grams) / molar mass

Unfortunately, the given information is not enough to calculate the molar concentration.

What was the original M supposed to be?

initial M x (275 mL/200 mL) = new M.
