Lisa has downloaded 260 songs on her mp3 player,of her260 songs, 117 are pop music. What percent of lisas songs are pop music.

Can someone explain please

(117/260)100 = 45%

Part A

Lisa has downloaded 260 songs on her mp3 player,of her260 songs, 117 are pop music. What percent of lisas songs are pop music.

Country music makes up 20% of Lisa 260 songs. How many songs are country music.

To find the percentage of Lisa's songs that are pop music, you can use the following steps:

1. Calculate the percentage by dividing the number of pop songs by the total number of songs and then multiplying by 100.
Percentage = (Number of pop songs / Total number of songs) * 100

In this case, Lisa has 260 songs, out of which 117 are pop music. So we can substitute those values into the formula:
Percentage = (117 / 260) * 100

2. Simplify the equation by performing the calculation.
Percentage = 0.45 * 100

3. Multiply the decimal by 100 to get the percentage.
Percentage ≈ 45%

Therefore, approximately 45% of Lisa's songs are pop music.