1.state ten users of accounting information and show their intrest 2. Enlimurate eight qualities that accounting information must poses. 3. Itemize at least eight roles of accounting in any organisation.,

1. Ten users of accounting information and their interests include:

1) Investors: Interested in the financial performance and profitability of the company to make investment decisions.
2) Creditors: Interested in the company's ability to repay their debts.
3) Managers: Interested in analyzing financial reports to make strategic decisions and improve efficiency.
4) Employees: Interested in knowing if the company is financially stable and if they will receive their salaries and benefits.
5) Tax authorities: Interested in ensuring accurate reporting and assessment of taxes owed.
6) Government agencies: Interested in economic planning and policy-making based on financial data.
7) Suppliers: Interested in the financial stability of the company to assess creditworthiness.
8) Customers: Interested in the company's financial health to assess stability, competitive pricing, and continued supply.
9) Regulators: Interested in ensuring compliance with financial regulations and reporting standards.
10) Researchers: Interested in analyzing financial information to conduct studies and contribute to academic knowledge.

2. Eight qualities that accounting information must possess are:

1) Relevance: The information must be important and applicable to the user's decision-making process.
2) Reliability: The information should be accurate, complete, and free from bias or distortion.
3) Comparability: The information must be presented in a consistent manner to allow for meaningful comparisons over time or with other entities.
4) Understandability: The information should be presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easily comprehensible to users.
5) Timeliness: The information must be provided in a timely manner to be relevant for decision-making.
6) Verifiability: The information should be supported by evidence or documentation that can be independently verified.
7) Objectivity: The information must be presented based on factual evidence rather than personal opinions or biases.
8) Materiality: The information should focus on significant transactions or events that can influence users' decisions.

3. Eight roles of accounting in any organization are:

1) Financial Reporting: Accounting provides financial statements and reports to communicate the organization's financial performance to users.
2) Decision Making: Accounting information helps managers make informed decisions about resource allocation, investment, and strategy.
3) Budgeting and Planning: Accounting assists in creating budgets, forecasts, and financial plans to guide the organization's activities.
4) Control and Monitoring: Accounting establishes internal controls and monitoring mechanisms to prevent fraud, errors, and inefficiencies.
5) Tax Compliance: Accounting ensures compliance with tax laws and regulations, including accurate and timely filing of tax returns.
6) Risk Management: Accounting helps identify and evaluate financial risks and implement measures to mitigate them.
7) Performance Evaluation: Accounting assists in evaluating the performance of different departments, products, or projects within the organization.
8) Stakeholder Communication: Accounting facilitates communication with stakeholders by providing relevant and reliable financial information.