What is a negative problem with today society??? What is society's biggest problem??

I think society's biggest problem is high unemployment.

What do you think?

I think that unemployment is one of the several problems. I think a major problem is gang members. They are usually unemployed but are also drug member, and people in gangs may die. What do you think about that. If I used gangs then I could branch it off into unemployment, drugs, murders and so on. How does that sound.

I don't understand your reasoning.

Gang members.

They are usually unemployed.
They usually do drugs.
Some old gang nenbers get killded.

So -- you want to hire gang members to do regular jobs? That might work with some.

I am talking about thefact that unemployment is higher where there are more gangs. Also the drug use/charges is larger where there are gangs.

A negative problem in today's society that has garnered a lot of attention is the increasing wealth gap. This refers to the growing disparity between the rich and the poor, where a small portion of the population controls a majority of the wealth and resources while a large segment of the society struggles to meet basic needs.

To understand society's biggest problem, it is important to recognize that different people have different perspectives and priorities. However, one significant issue that has widespread impact is climate change. This refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns caused by human activities, primarily the excessive emission of greenhouse gases. Climate change can lead to catastrophic consequences such as rising sea levels, droughts, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity. It poses a threat to the well-being of future generations and the overall sustainability of our planet.

To determine society's biggest problem, it is crucial to engage in discussions, gather data from reputable sources, and consider the various challenges faced by different communities around the world. Opinions on this matter may vary, but acknowledging and addressing issues like income inequality and climate change are crucial steps towards creating a more equitable and sustainable society.