Every morning, I drive to work; as I get closer I can hear the cadence calling of all the basic training units on Fort Benning, Georgia. Regardless of what is on the training schedule for the rest of the day, we conduct Army Physical Readiness Training (APRT). At a minimum the Army conducts an hour of physical training (PT) on a daily basis. Physical training is a means of promoting healthy living in all ranks in the Army. Physical fitness is a major concern that all Soldiers put foremost in their daily lives, this is not so common in many American’s lives. Too many Americans are unconcerned with being physically fit. Some of the contributing factors to America’s unconcerns are: the unawareness of steps that can be taken to promote healthy living, processed foods, technology, minimal physical exercise requirements throughout the education systems, and the up-tempo life style of Americans.

Americans aren’t aware of the small steps that a person can conduct to promote a healthy living style. Many Americans view exercise as a strenuous activity that requires excessive sweating and unattainable goals; instead, there is several different intensities of a work out. Often when people make a drastic change in their daily routine they are less likely to inculcate that change and eventually abandon it after a couple of weeks. Many individuals don’t realize that a big block of time is not needed to get active. At a minimum 30 minutes of activity is suggested per day. The 30 minute block can be further broke down into several smaller time increments to adjust for different time allotments. There are several small steps that people can engage in to ensure a healthier lifestyle. Some of these include: riding a bike to work, walking around the mall, mowing the lawn, eating healthier snacks (e.g. granola bars, apples, grapefruits, bananas, and carrots), taking a 15 minute walk after dinner, and gradually decreasing caffeine intake. While these are several small examples, implementing these into your daily ritual will ensure a start to a healthier lifestyle.
Processed foods are meant to have a longer shelf life at a lower cost; added ingredients provide little or no nutritional value to your body. Many Americans view healthy eating as more expensive, and more time consuming that the quick dollar menu drive thru. Even though this may be partially true, unhealthy foods tend not to appease appetites and leave our stomachs feeling empty only after a couple of hours have passed. Have you ever sat and ate a whole bag of pretzels? Did it make you drowsy, or sick? What happens when you eat 10 carrots? Does your body feel the same way? Your stomach can’t communicate that it is full because it hasn’t received anything to satisfy it. The exact opposite is common with healthier foods; the nutritious food leaves your stomach satisfied and leaves you more energetic.
Technology has added to complacency of physical fitness amongst children, and adults. The inventions of the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Nintendo Wii have taken the place of bike rides, outdoor recreations, and after school activities. Children are more content with staying indoors and being mesmerized by a television screen, than in the past. Many adults spend countless hours staring at a computer screen playing interactive games online, very rarely, breaking a sweat unless their character is about to come under harm. We need to set the example for our kids.
Diminishing physical exercise (P.E.) requirements throughout the education system, mainly in elementary and middle schools, has resulted in today’s youth uninformed on the importance of physical exercise. In the past schools were encouraged to administer recess, but now the mere word is frowned upon. Some elementary schools have totally taken out physical exercise programs from their curriculum or have reduced physical exercise to only one time a week. Children mostly learn from their parents and teachers, that is why it is imperative that they stress the importance of exercise and eating healthy.
American’s lifestyles are fully of busy schedules and long work days; these constraints lessen the time individuals have to exercise. An adult should, at a minimum, conduct 2.5 hours of aerobic exercise weekly. Families tend to eat out more often than in the past due to the convenience of fast food eateries, and the lack of time available to prepare a home cooked meal. Today’s American is working longer hours than in the past, this contributes to the lack of motivation that Americans have towards being physically fit. To be quite honest after a long work day (more than 12 hours) the last thing that I want to do is work out, but there are other alternatives. Some of these alternatives include, but aren’t limited to: exercising before you go to work, working out during lunch time, and wearing ankle weights. Parents have a major impression on their kids children mimic their parent’s actions and if the parents aren’t partaking in any physical activities the children won’t either. If you’re one of these parents it is time for a change.
American’s ignorance to steps that can be taken to encourage healthy living, processed foods, technology, diminished physical exercise requirements, and American’s busy lifestyles are all examples of deterrents Americans face. In some cases Americans are totally content with being overweight and out of shape, until they are confronted with consequences such as: respiratory problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Only then will some make changes, but unfortunately in most cases their reactions are in vein, due to the irreversible damages that has affected their bodies. Americans tend to focus most of their attention on materialistic items, which in turn lessens the seriousness of living healthy and being physically fit.

Honestly, I am not certain of the generalization you are trying to exemplify with numerous examples. The concluding paragraph confuses it more for me. I did not spot a thesis.

I'd like to see your outline. It would help me follow this, maybe.


The passage explains some of the reasons why many Americans are not concerned with being physically fit. It mentions several contributing factors such as unawareness of steps to promote healthy living, processed foods, technology, minimal physical exercise requirements in education systems, and busy lifestyles.

To address these issues and promote a healthier lifestyle, the passage suggests several small steps that individuals can take. These include riding a bike to work, walking around the mall, mowing the lawn, eating healthier snacks, taking a 15 minute walk after dinner, and gradually decreasing caffeine intake. These small changes can be incorporated into daily routines to ensure a start to a healthier lifestyle.

The passage also discusses the impact of processed foods, which often have little or no nutritional value. It explains that while unhealthy foods may be cheaper and more convenient, they tend to leave individuals feeling unsatisfied and lacking in energy. In contrast, healthier foods can leave individuals feeling full and more energetic.

Technology is identified as another contributing factor to Americans' lack of physical fitness. The prevalence of gaming consoles and online games has led to a more sedentary lifestyle, especially among children. The passage emphasizes the importance of setting a good example for children and encourages outdoor activities instead of excessive screen time.

The passage highlights the diminishing emphasis on physical exercise in schools, particularly in elementary and middle schools. It suggests that parents and teachers need to stress the importance of exercise and healthy eating to educate children about the benefits of physical fitness.

Overall, the passage emphasizes the need for individuals to become more aware of the steps they can take to promote a healthier lifestyle, despite the challenges posed by processed foods, technology, education systems, and busy lifestyles. It stresses the importance of making small changes and setting a good example for children in order to improve physical fitness and overall well-being.