can someone tell me how to calculate class width.

suppose the number of classes and class widh being 5 and 12 respectively.form a grouped frequency distribution..

the maximum is 98 while the minimum is 12.
Should i calculate it: maximum - minimum that is 98-12=76

to know how many classes i want, for ex: 5, should i divide 76 by 5?

To calculate the class width for a grouped frequency distribution, you need to follow these steps:

1. Find the range: Subtract the minimum value from the maximum value. In your example, the range is 98 - 12 = 86.

2. Determine the number of classes you want: In your case, you mentioned that you want 5 classes.

3. Divide the range by the number of classes: Divide the range by the number of classes to distribute the range evenly. Using your numbers, you would divide 86 by 5: 86 / 5 = 17.2.

4. Round up to the nearest whole number to get the class width: In this case, the class width would be rounded up to 18.

Remember that the class width represents the interval size of each class in your grouped frequency distribution. In your example, each class would have a width of 18.