q1)Which entries below should have the highest standard molar entropy?

a. SiCl4 (s) b. CCl4(l) c. CCl4 (g) d. SiCl4 (l)

q2) For the above, which should have the next highest standard molar entropy?

Entropy increases from solid to liquid to gas.

For #2 here is a table.


q2 what am i looking for?

c is correct.

You go to the site and look for S for CCl4(l) and compare that with SiCl4(l). Those are listed in the table at the site I gave you.

so d?

To determine which entries should have the highest standard molar entropy, we need to consider the following factors:

1. Physical states: Entropy generally increases with the degree of freedom of molecules. In general, gases have a higher entropy than liquids, and liquids have a higher entropy than solids.

2. Complexity and molecular size: Larger molecules with more atoms generally have higher entropy due to increased degrees of freedom for energy distribution.

Now, let's analyze each of the entries:

Q1) Which entries should have the highest standard molar entropy?

a. SiCl4 (s): This is a solid. Solids typically have lower entropy compared to liquids and gases, as their particles are more rigidly structured. Therefore, SiCl4 (s) will likely have the lowest entropy.

b. CCl4 (l): This is a liquid. Liquids generally have higher entropy compared to solids, as their particles have more freedom to move and are less ordered. Therefore, CCl4 (l) will likely have higher entropy than SiCl4 (s) but lower than gases.

c. CCl4 (g): This is a gas. Gases usually have the highest entropy due to their high degree of freedom and lack of ordered structure. Therefore, CCl4 (g) will likely have the highest standard molar entropy among the given options.

d. SiCl4 (l): This is a liquid. Similar to CCl4 (l), SiCl4 (l) will have higher entropy compared to solids but lower than gases. However, since SiCl4 has a larger molecular size compared to CCl4, it may have a slightly higher entropy. Therefore, SiCl4 (l) will likely have the second-highest standard molar entropy.

To summarize, the entries sorted from the highest to the lowest standard molar entropy would be: CCl4 (g) > SiCl4 (l) > CCl4 (l) > SiCl4 (s).

Q2) For the options given in Q1, which should have the next highest standard molar entropy?

As per the analysis in Q1, CCl4 (g) has the highest entropy, followed by SiCl4 (l). Therefore, the entry with the next highest standard molar entropy would be CCl4 (l), and the one with the lowest entropy would be SiCl4 (s).