What is Equine Science????

Equine science is the study of horses.

ooooh ok

thank you! :)

You're welcome.

Equine science is the study of horses, including their physiology, behavior, nutrition, health, breeding, and management. It involves the application of scientific principles and research to understand and improve the well-being and performance of horses. Equine scientists can work in various fields related to horses, such as veterinary medicine, horse training, equine nutrition, and equine therapy.

To learn more about equine science, you can start by searching for online resources, books, and scientific journals dedicated to the subject. Some universities and colleges offer equine science programs or courses that provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Additionally, attending workshops, conferences, or seminars related to equine science can enhance your knowledge and connect you with experts in the field. If possible, gaining hands-on experience by volunteering or interning at a stable, veterinary clinic, or equine research facility can also provide valuable insights into the practical aspects of equine science.