I urgently need to revise a few sentences containing reflexive pronouns. I really hope you can help me.

1) I was last proud of myself when I won a swimming competition.
I (once) blamed one of my friends for telling me a lie.
2) I depend on my parents. I’m still dependent on my parents because I’ve never had any work experience. When I’m of age, I’ll leave home. (??).
I’m independent of my parents.
3) I last felt sorry for a friend of mine because she broke her arm/when his father died.
4) Have you ever been ashamed of yourself? Yes, once. I was last ashamed of myself when my teacher wrote me a reprimand/when my teacher caught me cheating/ when my teacher caught me talking with another student during the lesson./ when I fell in front of my schoolmates/when I told a lie to my best friend.
5) I have been ashamed of myself (correct: I was (last) ashamed of myself) when I lost a football match/when my teacher threw me out of the class/when I fell down the stairs.
6) Once I had to wait for a friend of mine for an hour. When he arrived, I blamed him for arriving late.

4) Have you ever been ashamed of yourself? Yes, once. I was last ashamed of myself when my teacher wrote (remove "me") a reprimand/when my teacher caught me cheating/ ...

All else is correct.

1) The sentence already contains a reflexive pronoun "myself" correctly used. However, if you want to revise it, you can say: "The last time I felt proud was when I won a swimming competition."

2) To use the reflexive pronoun correctly, you can revise the sentence as follows: "Even though I'm still dependent on my parents due to the lack of work experience, I plan to become independent and leave home when I'm of age."

3) The sentence already contains a reflexive pronoun "myself" correctly used. However, if you want to revise it, you can say: "I last felt sorry for a friend of mine when she broke her arm/his father died."

4) The sentence already contains a reflexive pronoun "myself" correctly used. However, if you want to revise it, you can say: "Have you ever been ashamed of yourself? Yes, once. The last time I felt ashamed of myself was when my teacher wrote me a reprimand/caught me cheating/talking with another student during the lesson/fell in front of my schoolmates/told a lie to my best friend."

5) To use the reflexive pronoun correctly, you can revise the sentence as follows: "I was last ashamed of myself when I lost a football match/my teacher threw me out of class/fell down the stairs."

6) The sentence already contains a reflexive pronoun "myself" correctly used. However, if you want to revise it, you can say: "Once, I had to wait for a friend of mine for an hour. When he finally arrived, I blamed him for being late."