Daughter was born on 7-19. Son on the 24 thof the 2 month and my sister in the 51st year of our lord father in the 42nd year. What is my sign?

To determine your zodiac sign, you need to know your birth date. Let's break down the information you provided:

- Your daughter was born on 7-19.
- Your son was born on the 24th of the 2nd month.
- Your sister was born in the 51st year of our lord.
- Your father was born in the 42nd year.

Unfortunately, the information you provided doesn't specify the year or the exact month for yourself. To determine your zodiac sign, you need to know your birth date including the month and year. Once you have that information, you can refer to a zodiac chart or use various online calculators to find your zodiac sign based on your birth date.