Using the Chi-square test I am having problems when I get to the part of adding the the fractions and getting the percent that must be rounded to three decimal places. I have looked in the text and searched the internet. Can you please me

The expected (E) frequency for each cell is found by multiplying the column total by the row total and dividing by the grand total.

Then, for each cell you subtract the expected (E) from the observed (O), square that, and divide by the expected (E).

Add the calculated values of all the cells to get the Chi Square value. Evaluate in terms of you degrees of freedom (#rows-1)(#columns-1).

I hope this helps.

yes thank you

Certainly! I can help you with that.

To perform a Chi-square test, you need to calculate an expected value for each category and compare it to the observed values. The observed values are usually given, and the expected values are calculated using a formula based on the null hypothesis.

Once you have the observed and expected values, you can calculate the Chi-square statistic. This involves subtracting the observed value from the expected value, squaring the result, and then dividing by the expected value. You repeat this calculation for each category and sum up the results.

Now, to calculate the percent, you need to convert the Chi-square statistic to a proportion by dividing it by the total. This will give you a decimal value. To convert this decimal value to a percent, simply multiply it by 100. However, since you need to round the result to three decimal places, you can use a calculator or spreadsheet software to do the calculation accurately.

Let's say you have calculated the Chi-square statistic to be 3.456789. To convert it to a percent, you divide it by the total and multiply by 100:
(3.456789 / total) * 100

For example, if the total is 50, the calculation would be:
(3.456789 / 50) * 100 = 6.913578%

Finally, round the result to three decimal places, which in this case would be 6.914%.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.