Describe President Reagan’s foreign policy goals and summarize several of the major, specific actions he took to meet those goals.

President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy goals were largely dictated by his commitment to opposing communism and promoting American interests on the global stage. His policy was characterized by a strong belief in American exceptionalism and a confrontational approach towards the Soviet Union. To meet these goals, President Reagan pursued several major actions:

1. Increased Defense Spending: Reagan sought to build up the military might of the United States, initiating a massive defense buildup. This policy, known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or "Star Wars," aimed to develop advanced missile defense systems and maintain superiority over the Soviet Union.

2. Support for Anti-Communist Movements: Reagan provided military and financial aid to anti-communist groups around the world, most notably in Afghanistan, where he supported the mujahideen in their fight against the Soviet Union. This effort, known as Operation Cyclone, weakened the Soviet Union and contributed to its eventual collapse.

3. Strengthening NATO: Reagan pushed for NATO's modernization, advocating for the deployment of intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe. This move put pressure on the Soviet Union and demonstrated America's commitment to its European allies.

4. Diplomatic Engagement: Despite his confrontational stance towards the Soviet Union, Reagan also engaged in diplomatic negotiations. Most notably, he conducted a series of summits with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, such as the Reykjavik Summit and the Geneva Summit, aimed at reducing nuclear arms and easing tensions between the two superpowers.

5. Economic Pressure: Reagan implemented economic measures to undermine the Soviet Union's economy. This included imposing economic sanctions, limiting technology exports, and pressuring other countries to reduce their trade with the USSR, known as the Reagan Doctrine.

Overall, President Reagan's foreign policy objectives were centered around opposing communism, strengthening American military capabilities, promoting democracy, and engaging diplomatically with the Soviet Union. His actions during his presidency played a significant role in reshaping the geopolitical landscape and ultimately contributed to the end of the Cold War.