Maria drives 69 mph and Ming drives 60 mph. How far apart will they be in 3 hours?

Are they going in the same direction? Or are they driving in opposite directions?

they seem to be going in the opposite direction.


To find how far apart Maria and Ming will be in 3 hours, we need to calculate the total distance each of them will travel in that time.

Maria's speed is 69 mph, so in 3 hours, she will travel:
Distance Maria = Speed Maria × Time = 69 mph × 3 hours = 207 miles

Ming's speed is 60 mph, so in 3 hours, he will travel:
Distance Ming = Speed Ming × Time = 60 mph × 3 hours = 180 miles

Now, to find how far apart they will be, we subtract the distance traveled by Ming from the distance traveled by Maria, as they are moving in opposite directions.
Distance apart = Distance Maria - Distance Ming
Distance apart = 207 miles - 180 miles
Distance apart = 27 miles

Therefore, they will be 27 miles apart after 3 hours.