What is the logic behind logic NOR gate?

The logic NOR gate, often represented by the symbol "⊼", is a fundamental component in digital logic circuits. It performs the logical NOR operation on two input signals and produces a single output signal.

The logic NOR gate follows the truth table:

Input A | Input B | Output
0 | 0 | 1
0 | 1 | 0
1 | 0 | 0
1 | 1 | 0

The output of a logic NOR gate is "1" only when neither of the inputs ("A" and "B") are "1". If any of the inputs are "1", then the output becomes "0".

To understand the underlying logic behind the NOR gate, we can consider its construction using other logic gates. The NOR gate can be created by combining an OR gate followed by a NOT gate.

Here's the step-by-step explanation:

1. Start with two input signals, A and B.

2. Connect both inputs to an OR gate, which will generate an output signal that is "1" if any of the inputs are "1".

3. Take the output of the OR gate and connect it to a NOT gate. The NOT gate will invert the output signal, i.e., it will make "1" become "0" and "0" become "1".

4. The final output of the NOT gate is the output of the NOR gate.

So, the logic behind the NOR gate is that it first checks if any of the inputs are "1" using an OR gate, and then it inverts the result using a NOT gate to produce the final output.