If a solid cube has a density of 9kg/m3 and a volume of 27 cubic meters, what is the mass of the cube?

A- 81kg
B- 3kg
C- 9kg
D- 243kg

mass (kg) = density (kg/m^3) * volume (m^3)

if you're unsure what needs to be multiplied or divided, keep track of the units.

That what I got.....??? Idk if its right?

To find the mass of the cube, we can multiply its density by its volume.

The formula for density is mass divided by volume: density = mass/volume.

Rearranging the formula, we get mass = density × volume.

Given that the density of the cube is 9 kg/m^3 and the volume is 27 cubic meters, we can substitute these values into the formula to find the mass.

mass = 9 kg/m^3 × 27 m^3 = 243 kg

Therefore, the correct answer is D- 243 kg.