What is the molecular structure around the oxygen in water?

What is the molecular structure around all the carbons in ethanol?

The structure is angular in water.

Tetrahedral around all the carbon atoms in ethanol.

the structure is not angular in water


The molecular structure around the oxygen in water is a bent or V-shaped arrangement. The oxygen atom is at the center of the molecule, with two hydrogen atoms bonded to it. The bond angle between the two hydrogen atoms is approximately 104.5 degrees.

To determine the molecular structure around the oxygen in water, you can use the Lewis dot structure or electron dot diagram. Each hydrogen atom has one electron, and oxygen has six electrons. Oxygen shares two electrons with each hydrogen atom, forming two covalent bonds. The remaining four electrons on oxygen are lone pairs, which give water its bent molecular structure.

As for the molecular structure around the carbons in ethanol, there are two carbon atoms in ethanol. Ethanol has the chemical formula C2H5OH, which consists of an ethyl group (C2H5) attached to a hydroxyl group (-OH). Both carbons in ethanol are bonded to three other atoms. One carbon is bonded to three hydrogen atoms, while the other carbon is bonded to two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom from the hydroxyl group.

To determine the molecular structure around each carbon in ethanol, you can again use the Lewis dot structure. Each carbon atom follows the octet rule and forms four covalent bonds. The hydrogen atoms contribute one electron each, and the oxygen atom contributes two electrons. Using these electrons, you can draw the molecular structure of ethanol, showing the bonds and the arrangement of atoms around each carbon atom.