how do I solve PATH*AT=DENSE using the numbers 6,3,4,1,7,2,0,9. Thanks

To solve the equation PATH * AT = DENSE using the numbers 6, 3, 4, 1, 7, 2, 0, and 9, you need to find the correct value for each letter (P, A, T, H, D, E, N, S). Here's how you can approach it:

1. Begin by examining the given numbers (6, 3, 4, 1, 7, 2, 0, 9) and the equation itself (PATH * AT = DENSE). Look for any clues that might help you narrow down the possibilities.

2. Notice that "PATH" and "AT" are both four-letter words. This implies that each of these four-letter words must represent a two-digit number, as their product (PATH * AT) will have four digits (since DENSE is a four-letter word).

3. Start by looking for a pair of two-digit numbers whose product results in a four-digit number. You can calculate the product of all possible pairs using the given numbers and see if any of them fit.

4. Once you find a pair of two-digit numbers that multiply to give a four-digit number, assign each digit to the corresponding letter in "PATH" and "AT." For example, if you find that "P" represents the tens digit of the first number and "A" represents the units digit of the first number, assign the remaining digits to the other letters accordingly.

5. Evaluate the product of this pair to see if it fits the pattern of the four-letter word DENSE. If it does, you have found the correct values for "P," "A," "T," and "H."

6. If the first pair does not work, repeat steps 3-5 with different pairs of two-digit numbers until you find the correct solution.

Remember to consider all possible combinations and to check your results against the four-letter word "DENSE" to ensure the equation is correctly solved.

Note: Keep in mind that there might be multiple valid solutions, so it's important to verify that your solution satisfies all given constraints.