.50 - x / x = 3.20e-1

I need to solve for x. I was going to do .50 X 3.20e-1 and then take the square root but this is not correct. I am not sure what to do. Thank you for your help.

Math(Please help) - Reiny, Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 3:18pm
You probably meant

(.50 - x)/x = 3.2 e^-1= 3.2/e
crossmultiply ...
.50 - x = (3.2/e)x
(3.2/e)x + x = .5
x(3.2/e + 1)
x = .5/(3.2/e + 1)
multiply by e/e
= .5e/(3.2 + e)
multiply by 10/10
= 5e/(32 + 10e)

So I have to multiply 5e by 10 which would be 50e and then multiply (32+10e) by 10?

Hannah: Professor Reiny solved it for you.

x= 10e/(32+10e)

calculate that. Or if you cant, put this in your google search window

10*e/(32+10*e) =

No, you don't need to multiply 5e by 10 and (32 + 10e) by 10.

The step you are referring to is multiplying both the numerator and denominator of the fraction by e to get rid of the division by e.

Starting from the expression: x = 5e/(32 + 10e)
To get rid of the denominator, you multiply both the numerator and denominator by e, which gives:

x = (5e * e) / ((32 + 10e) * e)

This simplifies to:

x = 5e^2 / (32e + 10e^2)

This is the final expression for x.