Use the table to identify the relationship of the SECOND sentence to the FIRST sentence.

1. A triangle is a right triangle if and only if it has a right angle.

2. A triangle has a right angle if and only if it is a right triangle.

CO = contrapositive
BI = biconditional
LE = logical equivalent
CV = converse
IN = inverse

LE = logical equivalent

Based on the given sentences, the relationship of the SECOND sentence to the FIRST sentence is "CV" (converse).

To determine the relationship between the two sentences, we need to analyze the logical connections between them. Let's break it down:

The first sentence states that a triangle is a right triangle if and only if it has a right angle. The "if and only if" (iff) part indicates a biconditional relationship. This means that having a right angle is a necessary and sufficient condition for a triangle to be a right triangle.

The second sentence states that a triangle has a right angle if and only if it is a right triangle. Again, we have an "iff" part, indicating a biconditional relationship.

Therefore, the relationship between the second sentence and the first sentence is "BI" (biconditional) since both sentences are expressing the same logical relationship.