How do you can you change a decimal to a fraction when the fraction looks like this 0.43 3/4 or .16 2/3 .How can I change this to a fraction?I tried dividing it by 100 but it doesn't give me the right answer.

These fractions/decimals remind me of what I see on the big gas stations signs, telling the prices of their gasoline. $3.89 9/10 = $3.899

So ...

0.43 3/4 = 0.4375
0.16 2/3 = 0.1666666666666666666666666667

To convert a decimal to a fraction, you need to follow a few steps. Let's take the example of converting 0.43 3/4 to a fraction.

Step 1: Write down the decimal as a fraction without the whole number part. In this case, we remove the whole number part "0" and retain the decimal part "0.43".

So, we have 0.43.

Step 2: Next, determine the denominator of the fraction based on the number of decimal places. Count the number of digits after the decimal point. In this example, there are two digits after the decimal point, so the denominator will be 100 (10 raised to the power of 2).

So, the fraction becomes 0.43 / 100.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction. To do this, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 43 and 100 is 1.

Dividing the numerator and denominator by 1 does not change the value of the fraction.

Therefore, the fraction 0.43 / 100 is the simplest form.

The same steps can be followed for converting 0.16 2/3 to a fraction.

Step 1: Write down the decimal as a fraction without the whole number part. In this case, we remove the whole number part "0" and retain the decimal part "0.16".

So, we have 0.16.

Step 2: Determine the denominator of the fraction based on the number of decimal places. In this example, there are two digits after the decimal point, so the denominator will be 100.

So, the fraction becomes 0.16 / 100.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction. To do this, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 16 and 100 is 4.

Dividing the numerator and denominator by 4 gives us 0.04 / 25.

Therefore, the fraction 0.16 2/3 can be written as 0.04 / 25.