Sheila drew single marbles from a bag, recorded the outcome, and replaced the marble. In 50 draws, Sheila drew 20 white marbles and 30 black marbles. What is the experimental probability that the next marble will be black?

prob (black) = 30/50 = 3/5

Sheila drew single marbles from a bag, recorded the outcome, and replaced the marble. In 50 draws, Sheila drew 20 white marbles and 30 black marbles. What is the experimental probability that the next marble will be black?PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!

The answer is 30/50 and that made smaller is 3/5 so your answer is 3/5

Find the experimental probability.

Sheila drew single marbles from a bag, recorded the outcome, and replaced the marble. In 50 draws, Sheila drew 20 white marbles and 30 black marbles. What is the experimental probability that the next marble will be black?





To find the experimental probability that the next marble will be black, we need to analyze the outcomes Sheila has recorded so far.

From the information given, Sheila drew 20 white marbles and 30 black marbles out of a total of 50 draws. This means that the probability of drawing a white marble is 20/50 and the probability of drawing a black marble is 30/50.

Since Sheila replaces the marble after each draw, the probability of drawing a black marble on the next draw is the same as before, which is 30/50.

Therefore, the experimental probability that the next marble will be black is 30/50 or 0.6, which can also be expressed as 60%.