With the aid of chemical equation only describe how butane can be converted to but-2-ene

To convert butane to but-2-ene, a chemical reaction called a dehydrogenation reaction is used. In this reaction, hydrogen atoms are removed from the butane molecule, resulting in the formation of a double bond between two carbon atoms.

The chemical equation for the conversion of butane to but-2-ene can be represented as follows:

C4H10 (butane) → C4H8 (but-2-ene) + H2

This equation shows that one molecule of butane (C4H10) is converted into one molecule of but-2-ene (C4H8) and one molecule of hydrogen gas (H2) is released.

It's important to note that chemical reactions typically require appropriate conditions, such as the use of a catalyst and certain temperature ranges, to proceed efficiently. In the case of converting butane to but-2-ene, a catalyst such as platinum or palladium is often used, and the reaction is usually carried out at elevated temperatures, typically around 500-600°C.

So, by following the dehydrogenation reaction represented by the chemical equation above and applying the appropriate conditions, butane can be converted to but-2-ene.