what would you estimate 13.598 to

13.6 or 14

To estimate the value of 13.598, we can round it to the nearest whole number, tenth, or hundredth. Here's how you can do it:

To estimate to the nearest whole number:
The whole number nearest to 13.598 is 14.

To estimate to the nearest tenth:
Look at the digit in the tenths place, which is the 9. The rule for rounding to the nearest tenth is to round up if the digit to the right is 5 or greater, and round down if it is 4 or less. Since 9 is greater than 5, we round up to 13.6.

To estimate to the nearest hundredth:
Look at the digit in the hundredths place, which is the 8. Following the same rule as before, since 8 is greater than 5, we round up to 13.60.

So to sum up, estimations for 13.598 are:
Nearest whole number: 14
Nearest tenth: 13.6
Nearest hundredth: 13.60