What does a penguin,whale,and a seal have in common?

A.They all breath underwater
B.They all eat while on land
C.They are all protected from the cold by thick layer of fat
D.They are all mammals

I agree.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options one by one:

A. They all breathe underwater: Penguins and seals can hold their breath and dive underwater for extended periods, but whales are mammals that need to come to the surface to breathe.

B. They all eat while on land: Penguins and seals catch their food in the water but consume it on land, while whales feed underwater and do not typically eat while on land.

C. They are all protected from the cold by a thick layer of fat: All three animals have adaptations to withstand cold temperatures, but only whales have a thick layer of blubber to provide insulation.

D. They are all mammals: Penguins and seals are indeed mammals, but whales are also mammals, so this option is correct.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. They are all mammals.