"Did you know that Chicago sits on Lake Michugan?" asked Brenda.(think so)

"Did you know that Chicago sits on Lake Michigan? Asked Brenda. (don't think so)

"Did you know that Chicago sits on Lake Michigan? Asked Brenda". (don't think so)

"Did you know that Chicago sits on Lake Michigan? asked Brenda". (not sure)

Can someone help me?

Your answer would be right if Michigan were spelled correctly.

Of course, I can help you! It seems like you're looking for information about whether Chicago sits on Lake Michigan. The answer is yes, Chicago does sit on the shores of Lake Michigan. To verify this information, you can use various reliable sources such as online encyclopedias, official city websites, geography textbooks, or reputable travel guides. Simply search for "Chicago" and look for information about its location in relation to Lake Michigan. These sources should provide you with accurate information to confirm that Chicago indeed sits on Lake Michigan.